We produce compelling video that works for you
We meet you to gain complete understanding of your goals. We pull together facts about your organization and the audience you hope to influence.
After working with you to get a deep appreciation of your objectives and developing a budget, we create a shooting script shaped to clearly convey your message.
By working really hard
Your message comes alive on location as we capture crisp images and clear audio, then add graphics, narration and music in the editing process.
We deliver your video file to a convenient digital drop box, burn it to DVD or thumb drive, or transmit it to broadcast and cable entities. You get your video your way.
Oh, and playing hard too
We’re here for you 100 percent. We do video, and yeah, we’re really good at it. We work hard to make sure you are happy. And we are happy to accept free samples offered after shooting a brewery tour. That’s just how we are.